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The Tsg3DNavigator class descends from the TGLSceneViewer component that is a part of GLScene library.


Tsg3DNavigator = class(TGLSceneViewer)


AxesThe property gets the scene's coordinate axes.
BackgroundColorThe property gets or sets the color used for filling the background prior to any rendering.
BoundingSphereRadiusThe property gets the radius of the bounding sphere.
CameraStyleThe property gets or sets a camera view.
DefSceneMatrixThe property gets the default scene's transformation matrix.
FilterThe property gets the file extension filter suitable for dialog's Filter property.
GLDCSceneThe property gets the main object in the scene.
GLDCTargetThe property gets the target for the camera.
GLFreeFormThe property gets the container object for the mesh of varying 3D formats.
LightsThe property gets the light source that lights scene objects by its index.
LightsCountThe property gets the number of light sources.
Orbit3DVisibleThe property gets or sets the value indicating whether 3D Orbit is visible.
ShowAxisThe property gets or sets the value indicating whether coordinate axes are visible.
ShowCubeExtentsThe property gets or sets the value indicating whether extents of the loaded scene are shown as a cube.
TrianglesCountThe property gets a total number of triangles in all mesh objects.


ClearThe method frees the scene objects and clears the materials collection.
CreateCreates and initializes an instance of the Tsg3DNavigator class.
DestroyDestroys the Tsg3DNavigator object.
DoAfterLoadSceneThe method initializes scene parameters.
IsEmptyThe method checks whether the scene is empty (i.e. doesn't contain meshes).
LoadFromFileThe method loads 3D model from a specified file.
LoadFromStreamThe method loads 3D model from a specified stream.
LoadSceneIdentityThe method sets a single scale and the identity matrix as a scene's matrix.
RotateThe method rotates the scene objects around a specific axis by a predetermined angle.
SetDefSceneMatrixThe method sets the scene's transformation matrix by default.
TranslateThe method adds an offset to the scene's position by using translation vector.


OnScenePositionChangeThe event occurs when the position of the scene changes.